Call for papersThe Paris School of Economics (PSE) will host the 2023 International Conference on Development Economics (ICDE) in Paris on 3 and 4 July. This conference follows up on the 2022 edition, which was organized by CERDI in Clermont-Ferand. The objective of the conference is to be a forum for discussing innovative research in development economics, and rediscover the pleasure of face-to-face interactions with a large network of colleagues. Both empirical and theoretical contributions on a wide range of topics are welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: migration, climate change, monetary policy, growth, poverty, environment, taxation, agriculture, health, international trade, inequality, digitalization, firm performances, employment or conflict issues. The conference will take place in person. We actively promote the participation of junior researchers and researchers based in the global South. The ICDE is the annual conference of French association of development economics (AFEDEV). AFEDEV brings toghether researchers and practitioners in the field of development economics and promotes research in development economics in France. SUBMITTING PAPERS & IMPORTANT DATES Only full paper submissions (either in English or in French) will be considered for the conference. Presentations will be held in English. Submission deadline : 15 February 2023 Submission information : Please note: you need to create an account on the sciencesconf platform to have access to the submission menu. Paper presentations will be performed with parallel sessions and poster sessions. Authors chosen to present papers or posters will be notified by mid-March. A preliminary program will be announced by mid-May. |
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