Registration informationRegistration and paymentTo register (in two steps) : 1) Complete the registration form on this website ( 2) Complete the payment (see below) Registration fees : The registration fees depend on your situation (see the table below) and in particular on whether you are a member of the French Association of Development Economics (AFEDEV). Being a member of AFEDEV means joining a community of almost 150 researchers and actively participating in the promotion and visibility of development economics research in France and abroad. It will also give you access to a number of services and advantages, some of which are reserved for members: personal page on the AFEDEV website, information on conferences, job offers in development economics; reduced registration fees for ICDE; participation in general assemblies and important decisions of the association... Accepted methods of payment : 1) Debit card by clicking on this link. Please note that when you register, you need to fill in the options that will determine the fees depending on your situation. 2) Bank transfers or purchase orders by contacting us directly at the following address List of fees :
The registration fee includes coffee breaks and meals during the conference. * Reduced rates apply to researchers/teachers employed in a low- and middle-income country (, students, post-doctoral fellows, young researchers (two years since the defense) and unemployed persons. ** Is considered a member of AFEDEV, any person whose membership is still valid at the time of the ICDE conference. If you don't remember if you are a member or not of AFEDEV, you can contact the finances team at the following email address:
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